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go away from

  • 1 gurbette

    away from home

    İngilizce Sözlük Türkçe > gurbette

  • 2 baş

    "1. head. 2. leader, chief, head. 3. beginning. 4. basis. 5. top, summit, crest. 6. end, either of two ends. 7. naut. bow. 8. clove (of garlic); cyme; (plant) bulb. 9. head (of a pin). 10. wrestling first class. 11. agio, exchange premium. 12. head: elli baş sığır fifty steers, fifty head of cattle. 13. main, head, chief, top. 14. in many idioms self, oneself. 15. side, near vicinity, presence: sofra başında at the table. ocak başında near the hearth. -ına for each, per, each: saat başına elli bin lira fifty thousand liras an hour. -ında 1. at, near, around: masa başında at the desk, around the table. 2. on his hands: Başında üç çocuk var. He has three children on his hands. He has to support three children. 3. at every: saat başında at the start of every hour. -ından 1. from its beginning: başından sonuna kadar from beginning to end. 2. away from: Başımdan git! Go away!/Get out!/Leave me alone! -ta first of all, most of all. -ı açık bareheaded. -ı açılmak to go bald. -ını açmak 1. to uncover one´s head (as a gesture initiating prayer or imprecation). 2. /ın/ to open up (a subject of talk), give an inkling (of). - ağrısı 1. headache. 2. trouble, nuisance. - ağrısı olmak /a/ to be a nuisance (to), cause worry (to). -ını ağrıtmak /ın/ to give a headache (to); to annoy (someone) by talking a lot. -ını alamamak /dan/ 1. to be too busy (with). 2. not to be able to escape (from some trouble). - alıp baş vermek to wage a bitter fight. -ını alıp gitmek to go away, leave. -ının altında under one´s pillow. -ının altından çıkmak /ın/ (for a plot) to be hatched out in (someone´s) head; to be caused (by). -ı araya gitmek to be caught between disagreeing people. - aşağı upside down, head down. -tan aşağı from top to bottom, from head to foot, from end to end, throughout. - aşağı gitmek to get worse. -ından aşağı kaynar sular dökülmek to have a terrible shock, meet with sudden excitement. (işi) -ından aşkın overburdened (by work). -ında ateş yanmak to be upset, be troubled, be distressed. -ından atmak /ı/ to get rid (of). -tan ayağa kadar colloq. from head to foot, altogether. - ayak, ayak baş oldu. colloq. The high and the low have changed places. -ı bacadan aşmadı ya. colloq. She is still young enough to find a husband. - bağı 1. head band, fillet. 2. naut. bow fast, head fast. - bağlamak 1. to cover or tie up one´s head (with a scarf). 2. (for grain) to form heads. 3. to take up a duty. -ını bağlamak /ın/ to marry (one) to another. -ı bağlı 1. fastened by the head; attached. 2. married. - başa tête-à-tête, face to face. -tan başa from end to end, entirely. - başa kalmak /la/ to stay alone (with). - başa vermek 1. to put our/your/their heads together, consult with each other. 2. to work together, help each other, collaborate. -ında beklemek/durmak /ın/ to stand watch over, watch carefully. - belası nuisance, troublesome person or thing. -ına bela getirmek/sarmak /ın/ to saddle (someone, oneself) with a big problem. -ı belaya girmek to get into trouble. -ı belada olmak to be in trouble. -ını belaya sokmak/uğratmak /ın/ to get (someone, oneself) into trouble. -ımla beraber with great pleasure, gladly. - bezi head scarf. - bilmez unbroken (horse). -ına bir hal gelmek to suffer a serious misfortune. -ını bir yere bağlamak /ın/ to find (a person) a good job and save him from idleness. -ına bitmek /ın/ suddenly to appear, suddenly to show up (said of a pestiferous person). -ını boş bırakmak /ın/ 1. to leave alone, leave untended. 2. to leave without supervision. - boy best quality. - bulmak to pay, leave a profit. -ta/-ında bulunmak /ın/ to be in charge. -ına buyruk independent. -ı bütün married (person). -ından büyük işlere girişmek/karışmak to undertake things that are beyond one´s powers, bite off more than one can chew. -ına çal! colloq. /ı/ Here it is. May it do you no good. -ının çaresine bakmak to take care of one´s own affairs oneself, not to leave things to others. -ı çatla

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > baş

  • 3 kaçmak

    "1. /dan/ to escape (from), flee; to desert; to run away (from); to skip out of; to sneak off from. 2. /dan/ to get out of, avoid, shirk (an obligation). 3. /dan/ to avoid, stay away from (someone, a place). 4. /dan/ (for liquid, gas) to leak, leak out (of); (for electricity) to escape from (something). 5. (for a stocking) to run, Brit. ladder. 6. /a/ (for water, dust, an insect) to slip into, get into, penetrate (one´s eye, ear, a container). 7. /a/ to slip to (one side). 8. to disappear, go away without saying good-bye. 9. /la/ to elope with. 10. to run fast. 11. (for one´s sleep, peace of mind, good mood) to disappear, vanish, go away. 12. /a/ to tend toward, verge on, be tinted with (exaggeration, malice, another color). 13. to seem (rude, inopportune). 14. to turn out (well, badly). Kaçan balık büyük olur. proverb One always imagines the thing one has missed to be better than it actually was. kaçacak delik aramak to look for a place to hide. kaçmaktan kovalamaya/kovmaya vakti olmamak/vakit bulamamak/eli değmemek to be so busy with important matters that one has no time for lesser things. "

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > kaçmak

  • 4 yan

    "1. (a) side. 2. flank. 3. neighborhood, vicinity, diggings: O yanlarda oturuyor. He lives in that area. 4. part (of one´s body): Her yanım ağrıyor. I ache all over. 5. direction (line or course extending away from a given point). 6. aspect, side (of a matter). 7. with; alongside, alongside of: Yanına hiç para alma! Don´t take any money with you! Yanımda çalışıyor. He works alongside me. 8. in comparison with, alongside of: Hüsnü, Zühtü´nün yanında bir sıfırdır. Hüsnü´s nothing compared to Zühtü. 9. lateral, side, located at or towards a side. 10. secondary. -a /dan/ 1. pro, for, in favor of; on the side of: Ben Hasan´dan yanayım. I´m for Hasan. 2. as regards, as far as... is concerned: Paradan yana iyiyim. I´m OK as far as money goes. -dan sideways, from one side; obliquely; in profile. -a çıkmak /dan/ to support, take the side of, side with (someone). -ına almak /ı/ 1. to take (someone) on, employ (someone) (as one´s assistant). 2. to take (someone) in (in order to look after him/her). - bakış sideways glance. - bakmak /a/ 1. to look askance at, look at (someone, something) hostilely or venomously. - basmak 1. to be deceived, be taken in. 2. not to be straight with someone; to give someone the runaround. -ı başında /ın/ right beside, immediately beside, right next to. -ına bırakmamak/komamak/koymamak /ı, ın/ not to let (someone) get away with (something), not to let (someone) do (something) without being punished for doing it. (...) -ından bile geçmemiş. /ın/ It doesn´t have even the slightest connection with.../It doesn´t bear even the faintest resemblance to.... - cebime koy. colloq. I don´t believe you./Come on, who do you think you´re fooling?/Pull the other leg, it´s got bells on it. - cümle gram. subordinate clause. -dan çarklı 1. side-wheel (steamer). 2. slang slow-going, poky (vehicle). 3. slang (glass of tea) served with lumps/a lump of sugar in the saucer beside it. 4. slang (someone) who walks with one shoulder sloped downward. 5. slang (someone) who swings his arms vigorously as he walks. - çizmek 1. to try to get out of; to avoid, shirk, evade, dodge. 2. to pay no attention to, ignore. - etki side effect. -dan fırlama slang scoundrel, bastard, SOB. - gelmek/- gelip yatmak to take one´s ease, relax, enjoy oneself (when one should be working). -dan görünüş profile. - gözle out of the corner of one´s eye. - gözle bakmak /a/ 1. to look at (someone) out of the corner of one´s eye. 2. to look askance at, look at (someone, something) disdainfully. 3. to look at (someone, something) hostilely or venomously. -ına (kâr) kalmak to get away with, do (something) without being punished for doing it: Bu cinayet yanına kalmaz. You won´t get away with this murder. (...) -ına salavatla varılır. /ın/ You have to walk on eggs around him/her; the smallest thing can make him/her blow his/her stack. (...) -ına (salavatla) varılmaz. /ın/ 1. It´s so high/expensive you can´t touch it. 2. He/She thinks he´s/she´s better than everybody else. He/She thinks he´s/she´s something. 3. You have to walk on eggs around him/her; the smallest thing can make him/her blow his/her stack. -ı sıra 1. right along with, right alongside, together with, with: Yanı sıra avukatını getirdi. He brought his lawyer along with him. Viski yanı sıra bira içiyor. He´s drinking beer together with whiskey. 2. besides, in addition to, along with: Büyük bir yazar olmanın yanı sıra ünlü bir müzisyendir. Besides being a great writer he´s also a famous musician. 3. right alongside, right beside: Yanım sıra onlar oturuyorlardı. They were sitting right beside me. - tutmak to show partiality to one person or side. - ürün by-product. - yan sideways. - yana side by side. - yan bakmak /a/ to look at (someone) malevolently, look daggers at. - yatmak to lean to one side."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > yan

  • 5 çekmek

    "1. /ı/ to pull. 2. /ı/ to draw; to haul, drag, tug. 3. /ı/ (for an animal) to pull, draw (a vehicle). 4. /ı/ to pull on (one´s boots, trousers). 5. /ı/ to tow. 6. /ı/ to draw (a weapon). 7. /ı/ to pull, extract (a tooth). 8. /ı/ to attract, draw. 9. /ı/ to absorb. 10. /ı/ (for someone) to inhale, breathe in, inspire (air, smoke); (for a machine, an opening) to suck in, pull in, draw in (air, smoke, a liquid). 11. /ı/ to support, bear, take, carry (a weight, a load): Bu sütun o ağırlığı çekmez. This pillar won´t carry that weight. 12. /ı/ to bear (an expense). 13. /ı/ to bear, endure, put up with, suffer (an illness, pain, sorrow, trouble, a troublesome person). 14. /ı, dan, a/ to take (a harvest) from (the fields) to (a granary, a storehouse). 15. /ı, dan/ to withdraw (a product) from (a market). 16. /ı, dan/ to withdraw (money) from (a bank). 17. /ı, dan/ to get (someone) to give up (a bad habit). 18. /ı, dan/ to clear (goods) through (customs). 19. /ı, dan/ to draw (water) from (a well). 20. /ı/ to distill. 21. (for a chimney) to draw. 22. /ı/ to draw (a line). 23. /ı, a/ to apply (kohl) to. 24. /ı/ to build (a fence, a wall, a barrier); to string up (a curtain). 25. /ı/ to hoist (a flag). 26. /ı/ to lay (a cable); to stretch, string up (a wire, a rope). 27. to weigh, have a weight of; /ı/ to weigh, measure the weight of. 28. /ı/ to draw (lots, chances) (in a lottery). 29. /a, ı/ to send (someone) (an official notice, a telegram, a fax). 30. /ı, a/ to interrupt (someone´s words) in (a specified way). 31. /ı/ to take (a photograph); cin. to shoot (a movie). 32. /ı, da/ to sew (something) on (a sewing machine). 33. /ı/ to grind (coffee, etc.). 34. /ı, a/ to put (one animal) together with (another) so that they will mate. 35. /a/ (for one person) to resemble, take after (another). 36. (for cloth) to shrink. 37. /a, ı/ to give (something) (a coat of paint). 38. /a, ı/ to give (someone) (a beating). 39. /ı/ gram. to conjugate (a verb); to decline (a noun). 40. (for a month) to be (a specified number of days) long; /dan/ (for one place) to be (a specified amount of time) away from (another). 41. /ı/ to deliver, make (a speech). 42. /ı/ to give (a banquet). 43. /ı/ to repair a run in (a woman´s silk or nylon stocking). 44. slang to drink, down (an alcoholic beverage). 45. /a/ slang (for one player or team) to score (points, goals) against (another player or team). 46. /ı/ slang to fill (a specified number of glasses) with (tea, beer, etc.) (used by waiters and barmen): İki çay çek! Give me two teas! 47. /a/ slang to hit, sock (someone): Yüzüne öyle bir çekerim ki! I´ll give you a wallop you won´t forget! Çek!/ Çek arabanı! colloq. Clear out!/Get out! çekip çekiştirmek /ı/ to backbite (someone). çekip çevirmek /ı/ 1. to run, manage (a place). 2. to get things running smoothly in (a place). 3. to manage (people). 4. to straighten (someone) out; to set (someone´s house) in order. çekip gitmek to leave, clear out; to slip away. Çekiver kuyruğunu! slang Forget about him/her/them (as he/she/they will be of no use to you)! çekeceği olmak /dan/ (for someone, something) to be a real pain for, make life unpleasant for (used only to refer to the future): Ondan çekeceğimiz var! He´s going to be a real pain!"

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > çekmek

  • 6 uzaklaşmak

    v. become distant, retire, move away, draw away, grow away from, recede, walk away, walk off, wander, wander away, wander off

    Turkish-English dictionary > uzaklaşmak

  • 7 uzaklaşmamak

    v. (neg. form of uzaklaşmak) become distant, retire, move away, draw away, grow away from, recede, walk away, walk off, wander, wander away, wander off

    Turkish-English dictionary > uzaklaşmamak

  • 8 sapmak

    v. diverge, diverge from, deviate, turn aside, turn, swerve, bear, deflect, detour, digress, lapse, lead away from, oblique, sheer, sheer away, sheer off, slant, stray, swing, turn off, turn up, wander, wander off
    sapmak ( den)
    v. sheer from

    Turkish-English dictionary > sapmak

  • 9 ayak

    "1. foot. 2. leg. 3. base, pedestal, footing. 4. treadle (of a sewing machine). 5. shaft (of a loom). 6. tributary. 7. outlet (of a lake). 8. step (in stairs). 9. gait, pace. 10. folk poetry rhyme; rhyme word. 11. foot (measure). 12. intersection between two lines or between a line and a plane. -ta 1. standing, on one´s feet. 2. excited, aroused. 3. med. ambulatory. -tan (satış) (selling meat) on the hoof (as opposed to butchered meat). -ını alamamak 1. /dan/ to be unable to refrain (from). 2. to be unable to use one´s feet (because of pains or because they have gone asleep). -ı alışmak /a/ to make a habit of going to. -ını altına almak to sit on one´s leg. -ının altına almak /ı/ 1. to beat, give a beating (to), thrash. 2. to ignore, transgress, violate. 3. to push aside (something useful). -lar altına almak /ı/ to trample on, disregard. -ının altına karpuz kabuğu koymak /ın/ to scheme to get (someone) fired. -ının altında olmak (for a view) to be spread out beneath one. -ının/-larının altını öpeyim. colloq. For God´s sake. - atmak 1. /a/ to go (to) for the first time. 2. to take a step. - atmamak /a/ not to go to; to stay away from. - ayak üstüne atmak to cross one´s legs. - bağı 1. impediment, hindrance, hobble, fetter. 2. person who creates an obligation and responsibility. -ının bağını çözmek /ın/ 1. to divorce (one´s wife). 2. to free (someone) to act. -ına bağ olmak /ın/ to hinder (one). -ına bağ vurmak/-ını bağlamak /ın/ to hinder. - basmak /a/ 1. to arrive (at), enter. 2. to begin, enter, start (a job). - basmamak /a/ not to go to; to stay away from. -lar baş, başlar ayak oldu. colloq. The first have become last, the last first./The social order is reversed and upstarts are in charge. - bileği 1. ankle. 2. anat. tarsus. -ları birbirine dolaşmak to stumble over one´s own feet. -ına çabuk quick, quick to come and go. -ını çabuk tutmak to hurry, walk quickly. -ına çağırmak /ı/ to call (someone) into one´s presence. -ını çekmek /dan/ to stop going to (a place). -ına çelme takmak /ın/ 1. to trip up. 2. to prevent (another´s) success. -ını çıkarmak to take off one´s shoes. - değiştirmek to get into step by changing one´s foot (in marching). -ını denk/tetik almak to be on one´s guard. -ını denk basmak to be careful, be wary. - diremek to insist, put one´s foot down. -ına dolanmak/dolaşmak 1. to crowd around and create confusion. 2. /ın/ to obstruct. 3. to boomerang, recoil on oneself. -ı dolaşmak 1. to trip over one´s own feet. 2. to get flustered and do something wrong. -ları dolaşmak to trip on one´s feet, get one´s feet tangled up. -ında donu yok, fesleğen ister/takar başına. colloq. She likes to show off regardless of her poverty. -ta duramama astasia. -ta durmak to stand, remain standing. -a düşmek to have outsiders meddling in (a matter). -ı düşmek /a/ to drop in on (a place, a house), visit while passing by. -ına düşmek /ın/ to beg, implore. -ı düze basmak to get over the hard part of something. -a fırlamak to jump to one´s feet. - freni foot brake. -ına geçirmek /ı/ to pull on (one´s trousers). -ına (kadar) gelmek /ın/ 1. to make (someone) a personal visit (as an act of deference). 2. (for any desired thing) to come to (one) by itself. -ları geri geri gitmek to go reluctantly, drag one´s feet. -ına getirmek /ı/ to have (something or someone) brought to one. -ına gitmek /ın/ to make (someone) a personal visit (as an act of deference). -ını giymek to put on one´s shoes. (kendi) -ı ile gelmek 1. to come on one´s own initiative. 2. to fall into one´s lap. -ına ip takmak /ın/ to backbite. - işi errands and small deeds. - izi footprint. -a kaldırmak /ı/ 1. to upset, excite (a group). 2. to incite, stir up (a group) to rebellion. -a kalkmak 1. to stand up, get up, rise to one´s feet. 2. to recover and get out of bed. 3. to get excited, be aroused. -ta kalmak 1. to be left without a seat. 2. to remain standing; to have lasted. -ına/-larına kara su/ sular inme

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > ayak

  • 10 derin

    "1. deep. 2. profound. 3. bottom, depth. -den (a sound) from far away; from the depths. -lere dalmak to consider something deeply. - derin deeply. -den derine (a sound) from far away. - derin düşünmek 1. to be depressed and moody, fall into gloomy thought. 2. to be immersed in deep thought. -ine inmek /ın/ to probe, examine carefully, go deeply into. - uyku deep sleep."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > derin

  • 11 geri

    "1. back, back side, rear, the space behind. 2. the rest, remaining part, remainder, what´s left. 3. outcome, result. 4. the past. 5. anus (of an animal). 6. backward, behind in time or progress, behindhand. 7. slow (timepiece). 8. retarded, backward. 9. back, backward, to the rear. 10. Back up!/Back! -den from behind, from the rear. -since /ın/ after, following, behind (someone). -sinde /ın/ behind: evin gerisinde behind the house. -ye back, backward. - almak /ı/ 1. to get back, take back. 2. to take back, withdraw (one´s word or order). 3. to make (something) move backwards, back (something) up. -ye atmak /ı/ to postpone. -den bakmak /a/ to look from a distance (at); to be an onlooker. - basmak to move backwards, back up. -de bırakmak /ı/ to leave behind; to pass; to surpass. - çekilmek /dan/ 1. to withdraw, move backward, recede, retreat (from). 2. to give up, relinquish, desist from. - çekmek 1. /ı/ to pull back, take back, draw back. 2. /ı, dan/ to pull back, withdraw (troops) from. - çevirmek 1. /ı/ to return, give back, turn back, send back. 2. /ı/ to reject, refuse to accept. 3. /ı, dan/ to turn (someone) away from. - dönmek to come back, go back, return. -ye dön! mil. About face! - durmak /dan/ to refrain from, abstain from (doing something). - gelmek to come back. - geri gitmek to move backwards; to draw back (in fear). -den geriye secretly, covertly. - gitmek 1. to go back, return. 2. to take a turn for the worse. 3. (for a timepiece) to be slow, lose time. - göndermek /ı/ to send back. - hizmet mil. supply services behind the front. - istemek /ı/ to demand back, reclaim. - kaçmak to flee; to draw back hastily, retreat. - kafalı backward, reactionary. - kalan 1. the remainder, the rest, leftovers. 2. remaining. - kalmak 1. to stay behind, remain behind. 2. (for a timepiece) to be slow. 3. to be underdeveloped. -de kalmak 1. to be behind. 2. to lag. 3. to remain, be left (behind). - kalmamak /dan/ 1. not to refrain from, not to abstain from, not to fail (to do something). 2. to be as good as; to match, equal. 3. not to lag behind, not to hang back (from). - kalmış underdeveloped. - kalmışlık underdevelopment, being underdeveloped. - komamak /ı/ to do. -/-ye marş! mil. To the rear, march! - planda 1. in the background, at the back. 2. of minor importance, insignificant, inconsequential. - tepmek 1. (for a gun) to recoil, kick. 2. (for a scheme, plan, etc.) to backfire, recoil, boomerang. - vermek /ı/ to give back, return. - vites auto. reverse, reverse gear. - zekâlı mentally retarded, feebleminded."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > geri

  • 12 koparmak

    v. break off, tear off, pluck, pull off, rip off, rip, break, cozen, cut off, deflorate, deflower, dissever, extort, pick, pick off, pry, rend, rive, rupture, snap, snap off, snatch, snatch away from, snatch from, sunder, take apart, tear, tear away
    koparmak (para)
    v. work
    * * *

    Turkish-English dictionary > koparmak

  • 13 koparmamak

    v. (neg. form of koparmak) break off, tear off, pluck, pull off, rip off, rip, break, cozen, cut off, deflorate, deflower, dissever, extort, pick, pick off, pry, rend, rive, rupture, snap, snap off, snatch, snatch away from, snatch from, sunder, take apart, tear, tear away

    Turkish-English dictionary > koparmamak

  • 14 sapmamak

    v. (neg. form of sapmak) diverge, diverge from, deviate, turn aside, turn, swerve, bear, deflect, detour, digress, lapse, lead away from, oblique, sheer, sheer away, sheer off, slant, stray, swing, turn off, turn up, wander, wander off

    Turkish-English dictionary > sapmamak

  • 15 uzak

    "1. distant, remote, far, faraway, far-off. 2. /dan/ (someone, something) who or which has nothing to do with, who or which has no connection with. 3. /dan/ (someone) who has no talent at all for; (someone) who is unable to (do something). 4. unlikely, improbable. 5. distance. 6. at a distance, faraway. -tan akraba distant relative. -tan bakmak /a/ to remain an observer of, survey (something) from the sidelines. - durmak /dan/ to stay away from. (birbirinden/birbirlerinden) - düşmek to be far from one another. -lara gitmek to get off the subject. -ı görmek to be able to foresee what will happen, be able to see the future. -tan güdüm/kumanda remote control. -tan merhaba nodding acquaintanceship: Bizim uzaktan merhabamız var. We´re on speaking terms with each other, but no more than that. -tan uzağa 1. very distant. 2. from a great distance, from faraway."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > uzak

  • 16 kaçın

    1. avert from 2. evade 3. keep from 4. kept from 5. shy away from 6. evading (v.) 7. evaded (v.)

    Turkish-English dictionary > kaçın

  • 17 kalkmak

    v. get up, rise, lift-off, stand up, start, straighten up, arise, leave, lift, pull away, stand on, stand upon, straighten, take off
    kalkmak (araba)
    v. pull
    kalkmak (otobüs vb.)
    v. pull away from the kerb
    * * *
    get up

    Turkish-English dictionary > kalkmak

  • 18 yaklaşmamak

    v. keep away, keep away from, keep off, keep out, keep out of

    Turkish-English dictionary > yaklaşmamak

  • 19 uzaklaşmak

    "to go far, to go away; to grow away from; to digress; to be estranged/alienated"

    İngilizce Sözlük Türkçe > uzaklaşmak

  • 20 boca

    naut. 1. leeward, to leeward, alee. 2. the lee side, leeward, the direction that is away from the wind. - alabanda. naut. Turn the helm to the lee. - etmek 1. naut. to bear away to leeward. 2. /ı/ naut. to turn (a ship) to leeward. 3. /ı/ colloq. to turn (a container) upside down in order to empty it of its contents, dump, dump out.

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  • Away from the Sun — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Away from the Sun Álbum de 3 Doors Down Publicación 12 de noviembre, 2002 Grabación Seattle …   Wikipedia Español

  • Away From The Sun — Album par 3 Doors Down Sortie 12 novembre 2002 Durée 46 min 57 s Genre(s) Rock, Alternative rock Producteur(s) Ri …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Away from the sun — Album par 3 Doors Down Sortie 12 novembre 2002 Durée 46 min 57 s Genre(s) Rock, Alternative rock Producteur(s) Ri …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Away from the Sun — Album par 3 Doors Down Sortie 12 novembre 2002 Durée 46 min 57 s Genre Rock, Alternative rock Producteur Rick Parashar …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Away from Here — Album par Sirsy Sortie 30 mars 2002 Durée 42:26 Genre Pop Rock Format CD Producteur Richard Libutti, Melanie Krahmer …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Away from the Sun — (рус. Вдали от Солнца) второй студийный альбом американской рок группы 3 Doors Down, вышедший 12 ноября 2002 года. Синглы с альбома были следующие: When I m Gone , The Road I m On , Here Without You и Away from the Sun . Гитарист группы Rush… …   Википедия

  • away from it all — In or into a place which is remote from the bustle of life • • • Main Entry: ↑away …   Useful english dictionary

  • Away from Her — Infobox Film name = Away from Her writer = Alice Munro (short story) Sarah Polley starring = Julie Christie Gordon Pinsent Olympia Dukakis Kristen Thomson with Michael Murphy and Wendy Crewson director = Sarah Polley producer = Daniel Iron Simone …   Wikipedia

  • Away from Home — Infobox Single Name = Away From Home Cover size = Border = Caption = Artist = Dr Alban Album = Look Who s Talking A side = B side = Released = 1994 Format = CD single CD maxi Recorded = 1994 Genre = Dance, Electronic Length = 3:18 5:18… …   Wikipedia

  • Away from the Sun — Infobox Album | Name = Away from the Sun Type = Album Artist = 3 Doors Down | Released = November 12, 2002 Recorded = London Bridge in Seattle, Washington; Greenhouse in Burnaby, British Columbia; Ocean Way Studios in Hollywood, California Genre …   Wikipedia

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